In An Hour : |
The whole treatment virtually takes place within an hour from the time patient walks in, and out with a brand new set of teeth in just one hours time.
3-D computerised advanced dental technology has arrived just in time to meet the wants and needs of patients who are wearing removable complete dentures to lead better and more confident lifestyles.
The Team at Dr. Turners ' Speciality Dental Center in South Mumbai specializes in this sophisticated dental treament.
Nobel biocare worlds leading implant company introduced the Nobelguide ,'Teeth in an Hour' concept wherein the entire implant surgery as well as the final fixed dental prosthesis is preplanned and ready before the surgery by your dentist.
The entire treatment is planned by the team at Dr.Turners in Mumbai on 3-D computer software and then the treatment plan sent to Nobel biocare Sweden ,via internet where a surgical guide stent is fabricated according to the plan.
The guide(Stent) arrives back in Mumbai in 5 working days via UPS.
Conventional implant therapy would involve an invasive surgical phase where the gums are cut and bone exposed to bury the implants and finally with overlying sutures. However with this novel approach non -invasive surgeries are performed through holes in the Stent(therefore no sutures) eliminating pain ,swelling and more importantly delivering the final fixed teeth within an hour of the treatment.''
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