Orthodontist Mumbai : |
The teeth in a hour with Nobelbiocare implants and 3D imaging technology allows these Dentists in India today to place implants accurately, predictably with absolutely no waiting time. The day Dr.Turners Implant team places the implants the very same day the patient walks out of the office with a full set of new teeth that are functional and at the same time aesthetic!
TOOTH IN AN HOUR" is a method, which allows the dentist to place implants with extreme precision, by utilizing radiographic 3 dimensional scans to make a totally accurate representation of the patients jaw and then construct a mechanical template on this jaw. This precision is so good that the final restoration (new teeth), can be made up on the model before and can be transferred to the patients mouth. Using the template in the patient's mouth, the implants are precisely placed and new teeth attached allowing the patient to leave within an hour or two with a complete set of teeth ready for functioning!
A lot of preplanning and virtually placing the position of the final implants on the 3D scan of the patient on the computer a Nobel guide is ordered from Nobelbiocare Sweden.
Through the holes on this guide without any incisions implants are placed in the existing bone exactly as pre planned on the computer. Minimal bleeding, no sutures, without any swelling or pain! What's more you get a full complement of natural looking teeth that very day...now isn't that a breakthrough?
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